Žygintas Pečiulis

National broadcaster’s council chief complains over too many papers asked too fast

The information submitted to Lithuanian parliamentarians may contain shortcomings, as the parliament was requesting too many documents within an excessively short period of time, says Žygintas Pečiulis, chairman of the council of the Lithuanian national broadcaster LRT. […]

Monika Garbačiauskaitė - Budrienė

Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė. Karbauskis and Brazauskas – what do they have in common?

Ramūnas Karbauskis with his lands and tale of “everything is legal” is nothing new in the Lithuanian skies – there have been greater scandals in the country’s politics and business. Figures appearing in the middle […]

At the opening of the LRT session

National audit office wants info from LRT before deciding on audit

The Lithuanian National Audit Office (NAO) intends to ask the Lithuanian Radio and Television (LRT) Council for information about LRT‘s activities and risks and external audits before deciding on whether to carry out an audit of the public broadcaster. […]

Virginijus Valentinavičius

Virginijus Valentinavičius. LRT, camouflage rhetoric and the rough truth

There wouldn’t even have been a discussion over the LRT’s finances if the LRT had voluntarily handed over all the numbers requested by the Lithuanian parliament and would this way have forestalled the question’s deliberations. […]