In December, the LFGU had the support of 19 percent of those polled, up by 3 percentage points from November, while the conservative Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats were backed by 18 percent of respondents, down by 1 percentage point month-on-month.
The electorate of the LFGU mainly comes from rural areas, while the conservatives are more popular in Lithuania’s biggest cities, shows the survey.
The Social Democrats with stable support of 10 percent of those polled remain in the third place on the list.
Other parties crossing the five-percent threshold include the Liberal Movement (6 pct), the Lithuanian Center Party (6 pct) and the Order and Justice party (5 pct) after no significant changes in their rating.
On Dec. 12-21, the polling company interviewed 1,006 residents of Lithuania between ages of 15 and 74, with the margin error at 3.1 percent.
At the time of the survey, public attention focused on the 2018 budget and the criticism of MPs for top management of the national broadcaster LRT. Immediately before the poll, the Liberal Movement elected Eugenijus Gentvilas as its leader.