Julius Pranevicius playing the piano  Photo Ludo Segers
Global LT

Julius Pranevičius shows American business the road to Lithuania

The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry operates in the United States two Consulates General, in addition to the Embassy in Washington. These Consulates General look a lot like the city hall of a Lithuanian mid-size town. Nevertheless, there is more than what meets the eye. The Consulate General in Chicago is the largest in the USA. The other Consulate General is located in New York City’s Manhattan. […]

Jonas Mekas in his loft   Photo Ludo Segers

Out-take of a diary. Interview with Jonas Mekas

Lithuania and the world lost one of the most talented film makers of our times. The New York Times wrote in its obituary: ‘It is rare to have consensus on the pre-eminence of any person in the arts. But few would argue that Mr. Mekas, who was often called the godfather or the guru of the New American Cinema — his name for the underground film movement of the 1950s and ’60s — was the leading champion of the kind of film that doesn’t show at the multiplex.’ Please, read an interview with Jonas Mekas done in his home in New York. Let’s remember one of the greatest Lithuanians of our times.

Here is a interview with Jonas Mekas in March 2015. Jonas speaks speaks about how the art scene changes and benefits from technological changes. He also answers some questions from prominent Lithuanians. […]

Dance Group Malunas  Photo Ludo Segers
Global LT

Foreign minister attends Lithuania’s Independence celebrations in Baltimore

On Sunday Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius attended celebrations of Lithuania’s Independence, the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the restoration State of Lithuania. This year the Lithuanian Community in Baltimore, MD also celebrates their 100th anniversary. The well attended remembrance with music and dance took place in the Lithuanian Community Hall in Baltimore. […]

Seduvos Bernai entertaining Washington audience   Photo Ludo Segers
Global LT

Lithuanian Shrove Tuesday event in Washington D.C.

On Tuesday, 17 February, the Embassy of Lithuania in Washington took on a bit of pagan festive charm, celebrating Užgavėnės (Shrove Tuesday) with an evening of music and typical food. The evening was organised by the Lithuanian Community of Washington. A surprising large crowd gathered as the US Capital appeared almost completely shut down after some heavy snowfall overnight. […]

Mr. Berger addresses the International Holocaust Remembrance   Photo Ludo Segers
Global LT

International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Washington

On Tuesday, an International Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony took place in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC. The International Holocaust Remembrance Day coincided this year with the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Lithuanian Ambassador to the USA, Žygimantas Pavilionis, attended the solemn remembrance service. The Museum’s senior advisor, Arthur Berger, welcomed the gathering, that included a number of holocaust survivors and a large number of diplomats. […]

President Barack Obama.  Photo Pete Souza, Official White House Photographer

US President Obama addresses Ukrainian conflict in State of the Union Address

President Barack Obama, during his State of the Union address to the American Congress on Tuesday night, spoke about the situation in Ukraine. He advocated the use of diplomacy to uphold the principle that bigger nations cannot bully the small. […]

Federica Mogherini, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and US Secretary of State, John Kerry  Photo Ludo Segers
European Union

EU’s Federica Mogherini discusses Ukraine and security with John Kerry.

On Wednesday, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, met with US Secretary of State, John Kerry. The two discussed a number of issues during a luncheon meeting, in particular the situation in Ukraine, the recent wave of terrorist violence in France and other EU countries, energy independence, and other security issues. […]

Filmmakers, Jonas Ohman and Vincas Sruoginis.  Photo Ludo Segers
Global LT

13 January commemoration – The Invisible Front in Washington

On Tuesday, 13 January, the Lithuanian community and a large number of American guests commemorated in Washington’s University Club the day in 1991 when the Soviet army attempted to overthrow Lithuania’s legitimate government in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The attendants paid tribute to the 14 people killed and the over one thousand unarmed Lithuanian civilians injured when the Soviet army and Special Forces attempted to overtake the Vilnius TV Tower and the Lithuanian parliament – the Seimas. […]

FLTR Ambassador Pavilionis, Mackenson Pierre, Sandy Louiseme and Szymon Czyszek of the Knights  Photo Ludo Segers
Global LT

Haitian earth quake victims to visit Vilnius

On Monday, 5 January, the Lithuanian Embassy in Washington received the visit of three young amputees, victims of the 2010 Haitian earthquake. The young man came to make a visa application for a visit to Vilnius on 8 January. The three will then travel to Rome, Italy, where they will attend a conference at the Vatican. […]