Lithuania's Deputy Minister of National Defence Antanas Valys on Monday presented the National Defence System Medal of Merit to the outgoing French Defence Attaché Lieutenant Colonel Jean-Luc Lopez

Lithuanian-French defence cooperation in spotlight during defence attaché changeover ceremony in Vilnius

Lithuania’s Deputy Minister of National Defence Antanas Valys on Monday presented the National Defence System Medal of Merit to the outgoing French Defence Attaché Lieutenant Colonel Jean-Luc Lopez for his personal contribution to the development of cooperation between the French and the Lithuanian Armed Forces. The officer was representing the interest of the French Armed Forces in Lithuania since August 2011, the Ministry of National Defence says. […]

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Lithuanian army to purchase infantry combat vehicles

Lithuania’s Armed Forces will purchase infantry combat vehicles in the framework of modernization of its Land Forces, the Defense Ministry has announced on Monday. […]

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Lithuanian parliament allocates additional 130 million for national defence

The Seimas of Lithuania adopted budget amendments which allow to increase spending on national defence by LTL 130 million (EUR 37.6 million). 100 MPs voted in favour of the proposal, none voted against and 2 abstained. […]

Lithuanian special forces in Afghanistan

Lithuania to spend over EUR 17 million on weaponry for Land Force

60 million litas (over EUR 17 million) will be spent on fighting vehicles, anti-tank weaponry and mortars next year to bolster the Lithuanian Armed Force’s Land Force, the Ministry of National Defence said on Thursday. […]