Algirdas Butkevičius, Gediminas Kirkilas

Are SocDems going to be content with the role of junior partner?

With the Seimas election a week past, political scientist Vytautas Keršanskas compares it with previous elections and notes that this year’s coalition negotiations are particularly slow. In 2008 and 2012, politicians were inclined to form […]

Povilas Urbšys

Urbšys: wishes to cause a political crisis becoming more obvious

“Peasant” negotiator Povilas Urbšys spoke in an conference, stating that the first days of negotiations with potential coalition partners were not easy and both parties invited to the coalition intend to make decisions and […]

The Seimas

Experts predict an early Seimas election

So far Ramūnas Karbauskis has been speaking of a broad coalition, with the Conservatives (TS-LKD) sitting on his right and the Social Democrats (LSDP) on his left. However neither of the two veteran parties want […]