Vidmantas Valiušaitis

Vidmantas Valiušaitis. Regarding Škirpa – my Dear Mayor, the truth is rather to the contrary

The recent assertion by the Mayor of Vilnius, Remigijus Šimašius, regarding the Lithuanian diplomat and military officer, Col. Kazys Škirpa, and the pending attempt to “recall” the dedication of the street in Vilnius in his honour, compels me to respond. I do so in the name of truth and justice. The mayor opines that, while he concedes that Col. Škirpa was one of the first military volunteers to raise the Lithuanian flag at Gediminas Castle, on the other hand, he also allegedly called for the removal of the Jews. The Mayor goes on to say, “I am not inclined to agree that people, who have made such a declaration, be honoured by naming a street after them,” and he further asserts that “discussion on the matter has taken place” and now awaits “the decision of the Vilnius City Council on the matter.” […]

Timothy Snyder

Historian Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian crisis is not about Ukraine, it’s about Europe

Events in Ukraine have no effect on what Russia does or says, because its propaganda is not based on reality but on pushing Europe’s sensitive buttons. […]


Opinion: Orientalism reanimated or colonial thinking in Western analysts’ comments on Ukraine

Over the last few months, pro-Russian commentators in many Western countries have been portraying the Ukrainian events using a mix of stereotypes that scarily resemble the rhetoric once typical of racist and imperialist ways of thinking. As a result of such stereotypes, Ukrainians (but also Georgians, Moldovans, Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians) have fallen victims to a new form of Orientalism, a distorted way of thinking that people in the West exhibit all too often when talking about other parts of the world. […]

US Capitol. Photo: Ludo Segers
Global LT

Black Ribbon day commemoration in Washington, DC

Seventy-five years ago, on 23 August, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed a cooperation and non-aggression pact. The now infamous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact divided Europe and provided with its secret provisions an evil platform that set the stage for the Second World War. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact divided Europe in a half Nazi, half Communist continent. It stands as a stark reminder that totalitarianism in its various forms leads to death and destruction. […]