There should be no fears about security in Lithuania, PM’s spokeswoman says

Evelina Butkutė-Lazdauskienė
Asmeninio archyvo nuotr.

The spokeswoman told the Žinių Radijas news radio that “one of the ways to fight back terrorism is for the [Lithuanian] government to strengthen its Centre of Crisis Management, which has been working before, but now will be strengthened, to review its functions, competencies and responsibilities. Such a committee would enable faster and more effective coordination among institutions.

“The Lithuanian State Security Department‘s anti-terrorism subdivision is also being restored and recruitment of competent officers has already started. Security authorities will have to address the security issues in public gatherings more thoroughly, to tighten the screening of people to avoid guns in mass events. <…> External and internal border posts have already been strengthened.”

Ms Butkutė-Lazdauskienė also said that “the approved refugee reception program will continue. The terror acts should not be linked to the refugee reception programme. There are efforts to have people coming to Lithuania carefully checked and only those without any spots in their biographies, only those families who have refugee status would be allowed to come to Lithuania. Therefore there should not be any fears about security in the society.”

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