Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem to escalate situation in region – Lithuanian PM

Reuters / Scanpix

“I think this decision may spark new tensions in the region, and any actions that would escalate the already tense situation are not a good thing. I don’t think this decision will contribute to ensuring peace in the region,” Skvernelis said on the Žinių Radijas radio station.

“The (US) administration apparently weighed all the pros and cons, but in this case, it is a decision that will escalate the situation, which is the last thing that is needed there,” he added.

Trump announced on Wednesday his decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, despite calls from US allies and Middle East leaders not to do so.

The president also kicked off the process of moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The status of Jerusalem has been a source of contention for decades. The Palestinians also claim it as their city. Much of the international community do not officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and say that its status should be decided through negotiations.

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