DELFI / Karolina Pansevič
Opposition Seimas Liberal Movement group member Vitalijus Gailius is being offered the post of minister of justice, while former Ukrainian Minister of Economy Aivaras Abromavičius – the post of minister of economy. This information was confirmed to Delfi by persons close to Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis‘ environment.
According to the same source, the preliminary agreement of V. Gailius himself has already been obtained, while negotiations with A. Abromavičius are still ongoing.
State Chancellor Milda Dargužaitė‘s seat is also becoming unsteady, however for now there is apparently no replacement readily available, S. Skvernelis is not escalating this question.
The prime minister himself has been unwilling to directly confirm such information, but neither does he deny it.
“No comments,” was S. Skvernelis’ response when Delfi asked him to confirm or deny the information that has reached journalists. When asked if he is satisfied with Minister of Justice Milda Vainiutė’s work, S. Skvernelis told Delfi that, “I am content with the work of all my ministers. If one does not perform satisfactorily, it will then be proposed and conclusions will be made.”
A. Abromavičius who has dual Lithuanian and Ukrainian citizenship has worked as minister of economy in Ukraine, however resigned from the post after a time.
When contacted, MP V. Gailius was also rather reticent. “I do not comment on rumours,” the parliamentarian stated.
Lithuanian Farmer and Greens Union leader Ramūnas Karbauskis was a little more open. When asked whether he knows of the prime minister’s searches and potential proposals for the posts of justice and economy ministers, R. Karbauskis stated that “All sorts of discussions are ongoing, but that is the prime minister’s matter and you should ask him.”
He told Delfi that “he had not met with Abromavičius in person”, adding that “the choice of ministers is the prime minister’s matter.”
Meanwhile for opposition colleague V. Gailius, who is also the Seimas Commission of Anti-Corruption chairman, R. Karbauskis spared no praise. “I know this member of Seimas to be a principled, honourable and especially competent parliamentarian, who has a great deal of experience in law enforcement and law making. Thus if a proposal was made and Mr. Gailius accepted it, I would say I am definitely in favour,” R. Karbauskis told Delfi.
At the same time R. Karbauskis stressed that “for the moment Gailius’ candidacy has not been considered in any official capacity – not in the group, nor the coalition.”
According to R. Karbauskis, such considerations are also limited by V. Gailius currently being a representative of the opposition Liberal Movement group.
Could it be that in return for the offer to become minister of justice, V. Gailius shed his well-known integrity when voting regarding the Commission of Anti-Corruption investigation regarding MP Artūras Skardžius? Such premises come to mind after the commission’s ruling confirmed this week.
The Commission of Anti-Corruption was investigating at behest of the Seimas, whether the ruling Social Labour group’s A. Skardžius presented amendments in parliament that benefitted A. Skardžius’ or his family’s businesses in renewable energy in Lithuania and Belarus.
While during the investigation it appeared that the conclusion would be initiation of A. Skardžius’ impeachment for a severe breach of the Constitution and oath of member of Seimas, the final conclusions simply gently state that A. Skardžius could potentially benefit from the amendments he proposed.
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