Vilnius buses to get free public WiFi

DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

Vilnius deputy mayor Linas Kvedaravičius made the announcement on Tuesday; “Many users are dissatisfied by the quality of public transportation, so we must take certain measures. One of them is the inclusion of a private carrier in the general transportation system controlled by Vilnius Transport. We plan to have 100 new buses join this system,” said Kvedaravičius.

The plan calls for 43 large buses and 52 smaller buses with up to 60 seats. Several more will be held in reserve.

The winning private provider will sign a contract for seven years of service with an option to extend their contract for three more years. According to Vilnius Transport CEO Modesta Gusarovienė, Polish, Czech, Dutch and British companies have already expressed interest in the tender.

Though the buses will have numerous additional features, Gusarovienė stressed that the price of a ride for the end user will not change.

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