What is the real reason behind Skvernelis’ and Karbauskis’ squabbles?

Even though not even six months have passes since the Parliament elections, the unity which was then demonstrated by Lithuanian Farmer and Greens Union (LVŽS) leaders Ramūnas Karbauskis and Saulius Skvernelis relationship has hit a bump in the road. There is much talk about the breakdown of the Group ‘skvernelistus “and” loyalists “(faithful to R. Karbauskiui), but looking deeper, you can find other reasons why today we can see the two leaders in the opposition. It may be that the conflict has been programmed in the event of the two leaders, however, it cannot be excluded that the public feud – is only a cradle to lull the Conservative oppositions’ leader, alfa.lt reported.

Denying the conflict amongst leaders and the breakdown of the group

Prime Minister S. Skvernelis publicly questioned the parties desire to act on the reforms promised before the election, when farmers, led by the Parliament Committee welcomed two university mergers, despite the government’s opinion. The opposing opinion is reached inside and on the validation of non-Lithuanian letters, there have been a lot of controversy on the reform of forest enterprises. Two leaders’ opinions split radically on the national agreement to stop emigration. “Farmer” leader R. Karbauskis said that the Prime Minister does not control emotions and is tired.
“There is no conflict at first, apparently, our political opponents attempt to serve the public opinion that there is a problem. On the other hand, the fact that we have different opinions on the three-letter writing, we spoke in the group a long time ago to vote freely, then there is no decay, it is a different view. Conservative Group has also different opinions, the Social Democrats, too, because of this the Parliament, might decide in the hall for that matter. If we talked about other things where we have to find the unity we have yet to appear in all cases, it is too soon talk about some kind of fracture. I tried to invite journalists to identify at least one person of a group who says that they want to split. There are none “- says R. Karbauskis.

Sees the Conservative plan

We are talking about the tension which is often is fuelled by the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) leader Gabrielius Landsbergis visits to the Government. However, he argues that the LVŽS groups is not involved.

“The Conservatives themselves increase the problem in such a way as if to bring the Prime Minister to themselves and to become his patrons. What does it mean that G. Landsbergis goes to the Prime Minister to make sure whether he has enough competence? This, I believe, is demonstrative, specifically to increase certain tensions within the group, “- says Povilas Urbšys.

G. Landsbergis counters the allegations that it is a normal working process.

“You know, it has become ridiculous – where I turn, there’s Conservatives blame for everything. We started with the demolition of collective farms, now demolished the political groups. In fact, really sincerely we strive to make the laws are want reforms to take place. If there is I need, then I visit, “- said the Conservative leader G. Landsbergis.

Predicts a break

Liberal Movement group in the Parliament Eugenijus Gentvilas believes that disagreements between the parties are the tip of a more natural process, rather than someone else’s subversion. He gave historical examples when the two leaders ended in clashes.

“I do not wish that they fracture, but it seems that Lithuanian political history and experience shows that disagreements between the two leaders usually leads to the fall. Let’s say, Vytautas Landsbergis and Kazimira Prunskienė, V. Landsbergis and Gediminas Vagnorius, Algirdas Brazauskas and Adolfas Šleževičius and so on. This may happen here too, the question of when and in what proportions. This seems to be inevitable, it is happening without the support of the opposition”- said E. Gentvilas.

Finally, an influential member of the family group LVŽS P. Urbšys recognizes the tension in the group.

“If differences of opinion will continue and a compromise won’t be sought, it can certainly divide the group. Political forces can take advantage who want to destroy the group and begin to lead “, – says MP P. Urbšys.

The head of government is uniting insiders in the Parliament?

Even hiding it comes to the Parliament, the Prime Minister S. Skvernelis unites his supporters. Party “Order and JusticeRemigijus Žemaitaitis chairman said that S. Skvernelis has a clear mission, he has to do in order to remain Prime Minister.

“I think the coalition is very obvious, because there is a formed task of S. Skvernelis from the Conservatives – that at least 32 members must sever it from the Farmers to remain the Prime Minister. Otherwise it will lose the post and becomes chairman of the Parliament, Gabrielius Landsbergis – the Prime Minister. This is a very clear role. I think that S. Skvernelis is hesitant to take the first step. While it is not so, then the fraction of the shattered “, – said R. Žemaitaitis.
R. Karbauskis is convinced that the Conservative influence of S. Skvernelis won’t give up.

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“I cannot say. Give in or give up, I do not know. I think that they won’t give up, it’s just a coalition of the group, and frequent meetings with opposition political groups is a normal practice. This is the Parliament, we have some issues we have an absolute majority, that is, that all the votes together – and the opposition, and position. If the Prime Minister is to contribute to meetings, this should be welcome. And now to say that we need to show where the influence is going on. It seems to me that they literally none “, – says the Farmer leader R. Karbauskis.

Some political commentators point out that Landsbergis and S. Skvernelis flirting is seen too narrowly. All the time it’s just a game of G. Landsbergis.

However, it would appear that S. Skvernelis is perfectly manipulated by the Conservative chairman, who completely stopped working as the leader of the opposition, and only talks about reforms. So it might be a cunning Prime Minister or together with R. Karbauskis plan – lull the informal leader of the opposition.

The new coalition still does not care?

While they say that fracture is not possible, but if it happens, noon thinks about possible new coalitions.

“I’m the farmers who supposedly S. Skvernelis wing, another one I’ve ever heard, and I can already identify – well I can work with it, but whether it would be 20-30 people and all the same I can say, it’s not, I could not. Then Coalition: I’m looking at the bell tower of the Liberals, it is acceptable to us or not. Well, then the coalition should appear conservative. Wait, among them there are anti-liberal, what is not among the Farmers. Probably, Rimantas Dagys. I share his position, but he does not respect the liberal things. Then he says – well, still a lack of votes, then take another Order and Justice. K. Pūkas and P. Gražulis? Thank you, I do not know what will liberals do in there”, – considered E. Gentvilas.

“Surely the idea to form a new coalition is hard to imagine. I wish that the emotions would calm down and they would be guided by wisdom, tolerance and mutual understanding. Definitely there will not be a problem, “- says the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) leader Algirdas Butkevičius.

“It is difficult to predict. I am in no hurry due to the fact that even then some will accuse P. Urbšys about things that did not happen. I am really looking forward to, well, in the name of Lithuanian Parliament stability, and if you have any questions that Homeland Union is strictly necessary in there, we are ready to help, “- said the Conservative leader G. Landsbergis.

Early elections are not indicative

The possibility of early elections political analysts do not see.

“If, however, the fracture occurs and we can define the specific number of people who have to be in one or another political group, then I think the primary elections certainly are not an aspiration. Whether it is a minority government, or a completely new coalition, and the like. I think the primary election is the least desired option from the perspective of the current government, especially since it would create considerable uncertainty, and the reforms that are intended to implement, would be suspended for an indefinite period of time “, – says political scientist Linas Kojala.

They argue for the presidency?

In turn, “Order “leader R. Žemaitaitis says that the tension between Skvernelis and Karbauskis will only increase, because they have one goal – the presidency.

“So we all know that: R. Karbauskis did not occupy any post than the Chairman, nor the Vice-President or the Minister in order to prepare himself for the presidential elections. He took the position to offer things like an unifier of ethnic nation. S. Skvernelis apparently has some sort of agreement with the Conservatives, because Conservatives currently do not have a presidential candidate, “- said the chairman of party Order and Justice R. Žemaitaitis.

After Greta Kildišienė scandal S. Skvernelis is now much more popular than R. Karbauskis.


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