DELFI / Andrius Ufartas
Is a new ruling coalition possible if the cracking Farmers and Greens Union would break up? As a Social Democrat member Algirdas Sysas says “there is no real alternative to the current coalition”. Liberal Movement political Group leader and party vice-president Eugenijus Gentvilas says that he had not yet started talks of a possible new coalition with anyone, although he did meet Saulius Skvernelis reported.
“We are not interested in some possible configurations. If something will happen, then I have no idea what the coalition could it be. Well, we met once with S. Skvernelis, “slurped soup” and there were no talks. When I will be invited for a serious conversation – then we’ll see about the possibility of a coalition with “farmers” who are supporting Prime Minister S. Skvernelis, conservatives and other opposition parties, said E. Gentvilas.
Meetings with G. Landsbergis – a tool against R. Karbauskis?
“We are now not discussing any new coalition options and, as one of the Americans said, not constructing an alternative reality. Any false news do not interest us, “- smiled E. Gentvilas.
The increased meetings between the Prime Minister S. Skvernelis and Conservative leader Gabrielius Landsbergis, E. Gentvilas as a part of public relations.
“I’m much more interested in public fights between S. Skverneliis and R. Karbauskis, and Gabrielius can only be used as an instrument: “Come, Gabriel, lets drink coffee.” He comes to S. Skvernelis, talks about anything and after those meetings are used to hash out relations with R. Karbauskiu. On the other hand, if I am invited, I’ll go and if it’s already mid-May, we will talk about the “Eurovision”, – E. Gentvilas joked.
Becoming serious he said that he did not talk of a possible new coalition with anyone and assured that the Liberals do not grant the right to anyone to talk to or negotiate for them.
“I hope it will not be like last year, in November: “we will go to power only with the liberals”. Thank you. We did not need the support then, and neither do now, “- said E. Gentvilas.
A. Sysas: “farmer” fraction is still going through adolescence
Parliament leader of Social Affairs and Labour Committee and the ruling Social Democratic representative A. Sysas told that the Union of Farmers and Greens still cannot be seen as a fully formed party.
Apparently, it’s in the stage of adolescence. After all, the current “farmers” – is not a party. There is only a drop of the party. All other members are strangers who are currently trying to identify themselves. Some like one, the other – the other. It is normal. We should still wait until the party creates a serious movement “, – A. Sysas discussed about the situation in the ranks of the “farmers” and current and potential threats to the ruling majority.
He also noted that the current unrest for the Parliament “farmer” political group is determined by the two leaders – miscommunication and competition of R. Karbauskis and S. Skvernelis.
“Journalists could be unaware of about S. Skvernelis and G. Landsbergis meetings, but information about it was published as a teaser – here, have this. We talked about Eurovision, about emigration. And on our presence in the coalition with the “Farmers” Social Democrats are looking very seriously. And there (among the “farmers” – are some sober, serious heads. But, apparently, now they still need to bump their elbows, – said A. Sysas.
When asked whether it is likely that Prime Minister S. Skvernelis could divide the current “farmer” group and then take at least twenty of its members with himself and create a new Parliamentary group, the Social Democrat said that such plans are still based solely on talks: “and where he will go with his group? There is no real alternative to the current coalition. Unless S. Skvernelis will take over all the leadership of the “farmer” group.”
R. Karbauskis blames conservative of factious activities
R. Karbauskis says that the group is united and the more someone tries to split it, it becomes more united.
“The more G. Landsbergis tries to divide us, the more our group will focus on working together,” – R. Karbauskis criticized the activities of the Conservative leader. According to R. Karbauskis, the fact that the current ruling majority is unified, is proven by the vote for Parliament Vice-President of the Social Democrat Ireną Šiaulienė. 73 MPs voted for her on Thursday.
“Despite the fact that eleven of our group members could not participate in the vote, the vote proved that we are united and work together”, – said R. Karbauskis.
When asked whether an alternative to majority ruling “farmer” and Social Democratic coalition is possible, he replied: “And who needs it?”
Ž. Pavilionis: strange “farmer” initiative cause chaos
Is a coalition between the Conservative coalition with the farmers possible, the member of the Parliament and the Conservative Party Presidium Žygimantas Pavilionis admitted that at the moment he does not have a clear answer. On the contradictory, which is heard in recent days. However, he noted that a number of important votes in the Parliament allegedly showed that the “farmers” votes are based on Conservative ones.
“If the “farmers” seek major reforms, it’s sad, because they cannot rely on their own than unlike the Social Democrats. As a result, the ruling coalition leaders should be worried. For us, the Conservatives, all is left to repeat that we will support the serious work of the Government. Only there is no serious work. There are just some self-promotions and some talks, therefore, it’s not supported. And the strange initiatives create chaos “- Z. Pavilionis did not hide resentment.
He particularly missed specific steps or decisions on the reduction of emigration, about what the ruling “farmers” only talk a lot.
According to Ž. Pavilionis, Parliamentary debates about emigration once again proved the impotence of the government in the area.
“The Government has no initiatives. Therefore, maybe the guys and the girls can finally handle their issues because at the moment fourteen institutions handle emigration affairs. Shouldn’t we merge them into one body and create a realistic plan for its operations, saving a considerable amount of money?”- were Ž. Pavilionis.
E. Gentvilas: if not for M. Bastys and K. Pūkas, the Parliament would have nothing to do
Liberal leader also missed substantial government actions. According to E. Gentvilas, so far Parliament members did not receive serious bills that are often promised during the elections.
“We will ask to be given a summary of the laws that the government has submitted to the Parliament. So far it’s very bad. At the moment we are considering legislation drafts of the Parliament. If not for the five prosecutors’ submissions for Mindaugas Bastys and Kestutis Pūko legal immunity, then we would have nothing to do. The Parliament had a lot of time, so for two and a half hours on Tuesday we discussed about emigration. It could have stretched to four hours”, – said E. Gentvilas.
He was echoed by A. Sysas. He said the government would like to see serious drafts related to the country for reforms that were planned long ago.
“After all, some of the laws need to be adopted by July. If their submission will be stretched until May or June, we will simply won’t have the time to accept them. One thing – the Tripartite Council has already agreed on a new Labour Code, the other thing – actually show the revised Labour Code. So far no one can present it. When the government begins restructuring the Registry, the majority of people do not think about working, but hope not to be restructured. Maybe that is why there is no tangible work”, – said A. Sysas
R. Baškienė: so far the Parliament agenda is filled
Parliaments’ first vice-president, “farmer” old-timer Rima Baškienė also said that she misses important laws from the government: “So far, so far the Parliament agenda is filled, but we hope to get a revised Labour Code and education reform related laws after the Easter.”
She as well as representatives of the opposition parties pointed out that the recently the Parliament only has less urgent bills from the Government and the Ministries.
After Easter, Government’s will have to submit reports on their work for the Parliament and part of the former cabinet actions will be reviewed and evaluated. Nevertheless, R. Baškienė stated that she believes that it will be a good opportunity for the Government to show what its plans are for the future while solving the most pressing problems of the country.
In the knowledge of, currently the Parliaments’’ Secretariat has registered more than 500 new draft of bills. Of these, 102 are drafts submitted by the Government.
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