Kęstutis Vaškelevičius EN

US Republican senators McCain, Graham to visit Lithuania next week
Two influential US Republican senators, John McCain and Lindsey Graham, are expected to visit Lithuania next week, the Foreign Ministry has confirmed to BNS. […]

Polish amendment may lead to tearing down Lithuanian monuments
Lithuanian politicians describe as “a slap in the face” a proposed legal amendment in Poland that would equate “Lithuanian nationalism” to a totalitarian regime, saying that if it is adopted, Lithuania-related monuments may start to be demolished in the neighboring country. […]

Polish Sejm won’t discuss amendments condemning ‘Lithuanian nationalism’
The Polish parliament will not discuss on Thursday amendments that would equate “Lithuanian nationalism” to a totalitarian regime as the item has been removed from the agenda. […]

Putin outraged over Lithuania’s refusal of entry to Russian Constitutional Court judges
Lithuania has refused to ban entry to judges of the Russian Constitutional Court over decisions that legalized the annexation of Crimea. The Lithuanian decision drew an indignant reaction from Russian President Vladimir Putin. […]