Mažvydas Jastramskis

Mažvydas Jastramskis. Will the people re-elect the “Farmers?”

The Seimas and cabinet’s term has reached its halfway point. Increasingly many analysts wonder what is in store for the ruling coalition in the future. Virginijus Savukynas believes that the “Farmers” are here to stay. […]

Artūras Zuokas

A scent of walkout among the Liberals: agreement with A. Zuokas surfacing?

With the MG Baltic political corruption case falling on the Liberal Movement, passions over the organisation’s future continue burning within the party. It turns out that the party’s Elektrėnai and Kaunas branch representatives have started […]

Opposition leaders and R. Karbauskis at the We Accuse! protest

Ratings trap: the bells may not be tolling for the “Farmers”

Despite the Lithuanian Farmer and Greens Union (LVŽS) ratings released last Saturday being the lowest since the elections, political scientists do not view this as overly significant – it could simply be a coincidence, there […]

Gediminas Kirkilas

The former Social Democrats are forming a new political entity from the remnants of various parties

“We will adhere to normal European social democracy and not the leftist manifesto released by our colleagues,” one of the initiators of the planned Lithuanian Social Democrat Labour Party, member of a Seimas group of […]