Marine Le Pen
European Union

New nationalism and the Baltic States

Leading world’s news channels, newspapers and political commentators ring the alarm of the re-emergence of chauvinistic nationalist politics at the thresholds of Western democracies. After the rather unexpected results of the US presidential election and the Britain’s referendum, many hold their breath waiting for the voting results of other EU member states and anxiously wondering how far nationalist sentiments can spread though-out Europe like a black death. […]

Red Dalia

Mysterious men linked to Russia target Lithuanian president

Last month a peculiar thing happened at the European Parliament. Four men were observed placing books with the title Red Dalia in members’ pigeonholes. Nothing unusual, you say: pigeonholes are for putting missives in. But it wasn’t just any book, and the four men distributed it without permission. The eponymous Dalia in the book of 200-plus pages is none other than Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė, and the book alleges that she used to be involved with the KGB. […]

Nigel Farage during an interview in Vilnius
European Union

Lithuania’s euro accession a mistake – Nigel Farage

The leader of the Euro-sceptic group at the European Parliament (EP), Nigel Farage, says that Lithuania is making a mistake by joining the euro zone. […]