Saulius Skvernelis

Experts on S. Skvernelis’ candidacy: do not see pre-planning and see risks

Last week, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis announced his presidential bid. This decision has finalised matters on the political stage. Gitanas Nausėda, S. Skvernelis and Ingrida Šimonytė gather 40% of the vote according to surveys. Another 40% of potential voters are undecided and the remaining 20% is shared by the other candidates. Thus, the number of candidates is growing and the intrigue is rising. How the presidential election campaign will develop and who has the highest chances was discussed by experts on Monday’s LRT Forumas, writes. […]

Presidential candidates

These presidential elections will be different: intrigue awaits

The nearing presidential elections will be rather different to the past two. In 2009, there was a clear leader and a second round wasn’t even needed, while in 2014 a second round did happen, but there was very little intrigue, writes. This time, however, things will be interesting – it will definitely be a new politician, who will arrive in Daukantas Square. Will this bring about greater voter turnout? […]

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Contribution of volunteers to the budget of Lithuania – even 7.4%

Celebrating the International Volunteer Day we are pleased to announce that more people in Lithuania are dedicating their time for volunteering. Congratulations to every citizen for such a conscious choice, which adds value to the various non-profit organizations, raises the social capital of the individual, and also contributes to the state budget, a press release from the Non-Governmental Organizations Information and Support Centre states. […]

Ingrida Šimonytė, Gitanas Nausėda

A. Januška: G. Nausėda has a risk that could be used by S. Skvernelis

Ingrida Šimonytė and Gitanas Nausėda have decided to participate in the presidential elections. They are in neither the left, nor the right shelf, more uniting than divisive candidates and perhaps they are what Lithuania needs today, Lithuanian Act of Independence signatory Albinas Januška told Furthermore, G. Nausėda would apparently be the main barrier to Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis entering the second round of the presidential elections, if the PM did choose to candidate, writes. […]

Vygaudas Ušackas

Whose votes will V. Ušackas gather – S. Skvernelis or G. Nausėda‘s?

With Conservative – Christian Democrat Vygaudas Ušackas declaring his participation in the presidential elections, political scientists have been debating, whose electorate he will draw – Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis‘ or economist Gitanas Nausėda‘s, if either […]


Lithuanians still trust firefighters most – survey

People in Lithuania traditionally have most trust in firefighters, the police and the army, and distrust political parties, the parliament and the government, the latest survey by Vilmorus for the Lietuvos Rytas daily, published on Saturday, shows. […]

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Parties: Lilliputians growing, giants declining

The people are drawing away from the so-called establishment political powers, instead minor protest, populist and more radical parties are gaining momentum, writes. “I believe that four million voices can gather for more than […]