According to the press release, the support is granted to bring in more international students and attract gifted young people from abroad to study in Lithuania.
“We live in a global world, therefore, should do everything to promote brain circulation. Attracting postgraduate students from abroad makes studies more international. Lithuania’s universities and colleges improve their visibility on the global arena of studies, which is extremely important to encourage more talented foreign students to choose Lithuania to study,” Education and Science Minister Jurgita Petrauskienė said in a press release.
From the 70 study aid packages, 40 will this year go to postgraduate students from Ukraine. Other beneficiaries include students from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, China, Japan and Moldova.
Most of the foreign postgraduate students will go to the Mykolas Romeris University (22) and the Vilnius University (20), while the Vytautas Magnus University, the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and the Kaunas University of Technology will get 10, seven and six postgraduate students from abroad this year, respectively.
The most popular majors include law, management and engineering. Eight students from Georgia and Ukraine will study in the Lithuanian language.
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