Based on the National Health Insurance Fund (VLK), those 53 patients paid more than LTL 620,000 (EUR 180,000) for treatment in the European Union Member States, whereas they were compensated only LTL 101,000 (EUR 29,200), six times less compared to what they had to pay by themselves.
Representative of the VLK Lina Bušinskaitė said that Vilnius Territorial Health Insurance Fund (TLK) decided to grant compensations to 25 people, whereas Klaipėda TLK to 12 people, Šiauliai TLK to 6, Panevėžys and Kaunas TLK 4 each, and the National Health Insurance Fund under the Ministry of Health compensated for the treatment of 2 patients.
14 Lithuanians asked for compensations of treatment costs in Germany, 12 in Latvia, 8 in Poland, 7 each in Slovakia and Estonia, 2 in Belgium, 1 each in the Czech Republic, Hungary and France.
The largest amount paid by a patient for treatment was nearly LTL 73,000 (EUR 21,100) for an operation and postoperative care in Germany. The patient was allocated LTL 6,000 (EUR 1,700) in compensation. The highest compensation paid was around LTL 13,000 (EUR 3,750).
Bušinskaitė said that Lithuanians have not been flocking to foreign countries for treatment because Lithuania’s health care system is of high standards, it is trusted by people and they do not doubt doctors’ professionalism or the quality of services. Moreover, treatment abroad costs substantially more while people have to pay for medical services from their own pocket and may only apply for compensations afterwards.
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