The plan is will be financed from excise duty revenues and will be implemented by a range of ministries and government institutions, said Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius said.
“During its sitting today, the Government decided that an inter-institutional plan addressing the problems of alcohol consumption must be drafted by 15 February. The ministries of Health, Social Security and Labour, Science and Education, Interior, Transport and Communications, Economy, Justice, National Defence, and Culture, as well as the Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control Department and the Lithuanian Physical Education and Sports Department must participate in the implementation of the plan throughout 2016,” said Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius.
The prime minister said that recent events in Lithuania had shown that all sectors of public administration have to deal with the consequences of alcohol abuse, which requires the participation of different institutions.
He also pointed out that more funding would be allocated for the effort by using tax money from excise duty.
The Ministry of Health has been ordered to complete the cross-departmental plan by February 15.
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