Agrokoncernas says it doesn’t seek to influence politicians

Valdas Eimontas
DELFI / Domantas Pipas

In a statement on Tuesday, Agrokoncerno Grupė‘s CEO Valdas Eimontas said not a single CEO of the group’s companies had ever sought and would seek to influence politicians, their decisions and official appointments.

“After building a business and creating jobs for a quarter of a century, we never thought we would become a political instrument when the company’s reputation is being actively tarnished without any evidence or facts,” Eimontas said.

He paid attention to fact that there’s been in increase in information, which does not match reality, about activities of Agrokoncerno Grupe companies after the State Security Department published its report on another business group, MG Baltic, and its influence on political processes in Lithuania.

Karnbauskis-led the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union have the largest number of seats in the Lithuanian parliament.

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