“AirBaltic’s home market is Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The development in Lithuania is part of our strategy to operate 11 direct services out of Vilnius in the coming five years. However, strong demand from both outbound and inbound travellers is a prerequisite for future improvements,” said Christophe Viatte, airBaltic’s chief commercial officer.
Starting on 1 September, airBaltic has added Brussels (three flights per week), Stockholm (five flights per week), Helsinki (five flights per week), Paris (three flights per week) and Berlin (three flights per week) to the network of cities served from Vilnius.
As reported, Latvian national airline airBaltic turned over EUR 254,179,669 and earned EUR 10,668,043 in profit last year, according to Firmas.lv. Last year, the company’s turnover went down 8 percent, as compared with 2013, when airBaltic turned over EUR 278,805,614.
Profit increased more than fivefold, as compared with 2013, when the company made EUR 2,020,506.
AirBaltic is a joint stock-company established in 1995. Its primary shareholder is the Latvian government, which holds 99.8 percent of the stock.
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