Almost half Lithuanians think economic situation got worse

The poll was commissioned by ELTA news agency and conducted by pollster Baltijos Tyrimai on 26 August-6 September. Compared with a similar poll for the previous month, the number of inhabitants who said that the economic situation worsened has increased by as much as 21 percentage points. Meanwhile in August 2013, 27 percent of the polled said the economic situation had worsened.

Lithuania’s economic situation is more often evaluated positively by people younger than 30, people working in management positions, university and school students, public sector employees and right-wing voters.

By contrast, people older than 50, respondents with secondary or lower education, people with the lowest monthly household income (LTL 1,500 or EUR 434) and the unemployed are more often dissatisfied with the country’s economic performance.

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