
Prices rise as Lithuania‘s coastal real estate takes off

Prices are rising as the real estate market along the entire Lithuanian seaside picks up, with the resort of Palanga seeing the most activity, driven by a falling ruble and more interest from Lithuanian buyers. […]

No Picture
Global LT

Lithuania might be getting to something big: dual citizenship e-referendum

Russia’s Vladimir Putin may have just done favour for Lithuania with his sardonic remark on “fewer Lithuanians” during his recent visit to Kaliningrad – even parties that had bristled against the idea of a referendum on allowing dual citizenship, might be embracing it amid the sabre-rattling from the East. Moreover, politicians might be getting cozy with another outlandish idea: get the folks say “yes” or “no” through e-voting. […]

Agneta Lobačevskytė (left) in a meeting with Seimas ombudsmen Augustinas Normantas and Raimondas Šukys. Photo Vytautas Valentinavičius, Seimo kontrolierių įstaiga

Lithuania’s new equal opportunities ombudswoman walks fine line between human rights and religion

From advisor on legal issues to the speaker of the Lithuanian Parliament, to deputy culture minister and, finally, to ombudsperson in charge of equal opportunities (EO). This would seem like a surreal career journey to some, but Agneta Lobačevskytė, the new EO ombudswoman, sees what seems like a stroke of luck to many as a logical and deserved turn of events. […]

Remigijus Motuzas, Vladimir Putin
Foreign affairs

Lithuanian ambassador in Moscow: Balancing political estrangement and cultural closeness

With the creepy chill in the Lithuanian-Russian relations, the aftermath of the geopolitical square-off between Moscow and Western powers, the trade, amazingly, has taken the beating until this year quite well. “Quite paradoxically, the scope of Russia-bound Lithuanian export rose throughout 2014, while Russia was already gripped by Western economic sanctions,” Remigijus Motuzas, Lithuania’s ambassador to Russia, tells the Lithuania Tribune. This year, bilateral trade has started taking a hit, however. The Lithuanian Embassy in Moscow nevertheless keeps bustling as visitors are unfazed by the roughed up relations. […]

ES lyderių susitikimas
European Union

Analysts: EU aspirants ended up in limbo which cannot last forever

Despite the frantic attempts by some of the EU leaders to give a rosy tint to the otherwise murky picture of the EU Eastern Partnership summit in Riga, political analysts from Lithuania, Estonia and Ukraine, approached by the Lithuania Tribune, unanimously agree the EU partners with membership aspirations have ended up in a limbo after the high-profile meeting. The uncertainty cannot last forever, the analysts agree, but their predictions for how it may unfold differ. […]

Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko

Analyst: Ukraine needs to do homework and let EU see it done

The gloomy mood ahead of the EU Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga this week is in a stark contrast with the expectations that prevailed before the similar meeting in Vilnius one and a half years ago. […]

Jurgis Razma

Conservative veteran Jurgis Razma: “Political windfall might prove too heavy for Gabrielius Landsbergis”

Gabrielius Landsbergis, Lithuanian conservatives’ 33-year-old star and very likely future chairman, has perhaps just made his first major gaffe. His flip-flop on the issue of (dis)continuing in the European Parliament seat in case he gets elected to chair his party, the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats, has drawn some irk from Jurgis Razma, one of the light-weight contenders in the race. […]

Vygaudas Ušackas

EU ambassador to Moscow: “I’m not in the business of prophecies”

The task of a diplomat is to maintain contacts with the authorities and society leaders, so dribbling basketball with the administration chief of the Russian president, playing buskashi with Afghans in Kabul – engaging in what one might call “sport diplomacy” – is part of the job. While such informal contacts might provide a wealth of insights into the unofficial workings of a foreign country, Vygaudas Ušackas, the EU Delegation chief in Russia, admits he is not “in the business of prophecies” to tell how long the Russian-Ukrainian conflict can last. […]