“There is support for my decision that he (Valentukevičius) should not continue in his job,” Pranckietis told reporters after Thursday’s meeting of the coalition’s coordinating council.
The Seimas is likely to discuss Valentukevičius’ dismissal next week.
The parliamentary speaker said that they were also discussing amending the law to overhaul the commission and to further depoliticize it, but he declined to give specific details.
Pranckietis in January called on Valentukevičius to resign, saying that the chairman harmed the commission’s reputation when he made a unilateral decision that Greta Kildišienė, who was then a member of the Seimas, was not under the obligation to declare that she was driving a car leased by her mother from Agrokoncernas, a company owned by Ramūnas Karbauskis, the LFGU chairman.
Valentukevičius has held the post since 2014.
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