Lithuania concerned over Russia’s decision to grant asylum to Snoras’ ex-chairman

Raimondas Baranauskas
J.Markevičiaus nuotr.

“The Foreign Ministry underscores it regret that Russian authorities’ have once again refused to cooperate with Lithuanian law-enforcement bodies in investigating this and other high-profile criminal cases, despite requests for legal assistance from Lithuanian authorities,” the ministry said in a press release on Monday.

According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, Russia informed it at the start of the year that Baranauskas had been granted asylum and would not be handed over to Lithuania.

Lithuanian prosecutors last year sent requests for legal assistance to Russian authorities, asking them to extradite Baranauskas and Vladimir Antonov, a Russian national who held a majority stake in Snoras.

British courts ruled in 2015 to extradite Antonov and Baranauskas, who then lived in London, to Lithuania, but the men fled the UK and are now hiding in Russia.

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