Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko
Central/Eastern Europe

Laurinkus. Poorly thought out steps could accelerate Belarus’ descent into Russia’s grasp

Secretly, Alexander Lukashenko’s inauguration became the reference point for the next events in Belarus. The opposition was unable to find out the date for the “ceremony” ahead of time. Protesters planned to meet the “ascent […]

Cigarette smoke`

Travel Tips: Vaping in Lithuania And Abroad

The culture and popularity of vaping or e-cig is one the rise for many reasons. People have been considering vaping as an alternative to smoking. Vaping has very ewer to zero harmful effects on the […]

An Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania
Foreign affairs

Russia expelling 3 Lithuanian diplomats (Updated)

In response to expulsion of three Russian diplomats from Lithuania, Moscow has decided to send out an analogous number of Lithuanian diplomats. […]

Edward Lucas, the Nordic Chambers Dinner i

How to make the deal of the deals with Russia? After dinner with E. Lucas

Edward Lucas, the former senior editor of the Economist, visited Vilnius on January 10th — once again, should we say. He lived in Lithuania in the Nineties and is such a frequent commentator and visitor in Lithuania that he even speaks the language a bit. His work has been revolving around Russia for so long that he has become a synonym for Russophobia, an accusation he is sharing with the three Baltic States. […]

Opening of honorary consulate in Turku, HC Tomis Taipale and ForMin Linkevičius

Lithuania opens its honorary consulate in Finland’s Turku

Lithuania’s third honorary consulate in Finland was officially opened in the city of Turku on Monday, the Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday. […]