
The future of the construction sector: we must ourselves dictate the rules to technologies

“Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things are the keywords that in future will change everyday life and current skills.  “In the future, we will need specialists with digital skills, building designers who will be able […]


A Turk points his finger at other migrants: they are treated differently in Lithuania

Even though Turkish migrant Halaf Kacmaz has been living in Vilnius for the past five years, working, paying taxes, and speaking Lithuanian, he resents that, unlike other migrants, he also needs to take a national […]

Vytautas Landsbergis

Landsbergis criticises Latvia: betraying Lithuania is a pit the Latvians will never escape

Professor Vytautas Landsbergis is critical of the Baltic States’ agreement on Astravyets Nuclear Power Plant. What the Latvian foreign minister describes as a compromise, the first head of state of restored Lithuania describes as a […]

Latvia's Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics
Foreign affairs

Astravyets divides the brothers: Linkevičius does not see common ground, while Latvia presses ahead

When the Baltic and Polish Foreign Ministers met in Vilnius, they welcomed the success of the fight against the coronavirus. However, disagreements have arisen over their views toward the Astravyets nuclear power plant, Vilmantas Venckūnas […]