This is the lowest ranking the team has had in the country’s football history. Lithuania’s Baltic neighbours are all ranked higher and improved their position on last year with Estonia rising two places to 88th in the world and Latvia ranked 100th in the world, also up two places on last year. Poland was ranked 34th in the world, up one place on last year.
Belgium maintained its position as the number one ranked football team in the world followed by Argentina in second and Spain in third. World champions Germany are ranked fourth, followed by South American champions Chile (5).
A number of Lithuania’s competitors for World Cup qualification in Group F moved up in the world rankings. England were unchanged (9) but Slovakia climbed one place to 25th and Scotland jumped 6 places to 46th. Slovenia rose two places to 59th.
Of its group rivals, Lithuania ranked ahead only of Malta in 161st place, up one place on last year.
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