Lithuania might soon be allowed to export meat to US, prime minister says

The Lithuanian government said in a statement on Thursday the prime minister was told during a recent meeting with US Secretary of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack that the Food Safety and Inspection Service has drawn up the final draft equivalence verification audit report stating that the state meat quality control system in Lithuania meets all requirements and is equivalent to the exiting quality system in the United States.

The Lithuanian prime minister was also informed about the US administration’s further procedures necessary for Lithuania to be included into the US Federal Register of countries allowed to export meat products to the United States.

“Lithuania is very much interested in developing trade ties with the United States in the area of meat products. The US institutions’ decision to recognize Lithuania’s control system for meat products equivalent to the US control system is very important politically and economically, especially under the existing geopolitical conditions,” the Lithuanian prime minister said.

He also added that Lithuania’s dairy and meat sectors are mostly affected by Russia’s existing embargo. Therefore, wishing to diversify its exports markets and focus on long-term and trusted trade partners and stable markets, Lithuania wants to step up trade with the United States.

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