Support in these fields would be discussed at the meeting of Lithuania-Ukraine intergovernmental commission for commercial and economic cooperation, which would be organized in Odessa early in June, Rasa Noreikienė, Deputy Economy Minister currently on a visit to Kiev, told BNS.
“We haven’t yet discussed the preliminary issues, which emerge during visits, in communication with authorities and the issues shape up on their own… Support in public procurement since they have many problems. Specifically, they also need solutions to export issues since they don’t have any institutional structures, which would work towards the promotion of exports. I also think that the agenda will include the issues relating to energy,” she told BNS.
According to Noreikienė, public procurement in Ukraine is underdeveloped and the country lacks respective supervisory authorities. As far as exports are concerned, Lithuania would help Ukraine establish an export promotion agency similar to Enterprise Lithuania, she said.
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