“After agreement with Statoil, we have enough gas provisions for this year, thus we have only bought a small amount of gas in the auction. The price for that amount of gas was competitive,” Mantas Mikalajūnas, the CEO of Lietuvos dujų tiekimas, told 15min.lt.
Gazprom‘s gas price had to be not higher than what the Norwegian company was offering, according to 15min.lt. Lithuania is currently paying €153 per 1000 cubic metres for Norwegian gas from Statoil.
Lithuanian energy company Lietuvos dujų tiekimas, the largest gas consumer in Lithuania fertilizer producer Achema and the company supplying gas for Druskininkai – Haupas, also participated in the auction.
“The auction is still a new instrument for natural gas trade in our region that allows to purchase natural gas through pipelines in less flexible terms than the well-established practice, this is also the first transaction with the Gazprom subsidiary company Gazprom Export, which has supplied gas only to Western Europe countries until now.
“We have evaluated what can Gazprom Export offer, and by purchasing gas, further diversified our purchase portfolio. At the same time we will continue talks with LNG suppliers in order to ensure the most favourable prices for Lithuanian consumers,” said Mikalajūnas.
Gazprom has offered the Baltic States 560 million cubic metres of gas with 470 million cubic metres offered in Lithuania.
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