Lithuania resisting Astraveyts NPP wrong way – MP

Gediminas Kirkilas
DELFI / Kiril Čachovskij

“This is my view, my personal opinion. We are resisting this project in a slightly wrong way and we have taken a slightly wrong position. As we are trying to prove to Brussels and other international institutions that it’s Belarus allegedly building the plant to kill itself and subsequently kill Lithuania,” he told the Žinių Radijas news radio on Wednesday.

In his words, there are many nuclear plants across Europe, standing on state borders. “Nobody looks that way in Brussels and at international institutions,” the MP said.

Lithuania, the main critic of the Astravyets plant under construction just 50 kilometers from Vilnius, last year declared the project a threat to national security, the environment and public health.

Lithuania has pledged to block imports of power produced at the Astravyets plant and impair the project this way. But other European countries have not agreed with Lithuania’s proposal on a wider blockade.

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