Lithuanian army reclaims airfield slated for conversion into Formula 2 race track

Į Kazlų Rūdą ateityje užsuks ne lenktyniniai bolidai, o krovininiai karo lėktuvai
DELFI montažas

The airfield in the Gulioniškė village in southwestern Lithuania was transferred from the Kazlų Rūda municipality to the Property Bank, the institution managing state-owned property intended for privatization, in 2012. However, the Ministry of National Defence decided this year to get it back, Lietuvos Žinios reports.

The ministry said the country’s armed forces needed training facilities to accommodate international military exercises and to properly host NATO forces.

An auction for transforming the Kazlų Rųda airfield into a specialized centre of entertainment, services and sports including an international Formula 2 track has been planned for years. The initial sales price was set at €700,000.

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