VSAT chief Renatas Požėla approved a description of border guard actions against drones that could violate interest of national security, breach the state border or cause other damage.
Under the descriptions, firearms are allowed, if the operator of the drone is not sanctioned for flight in the border zone, and the flight takes place in the border zone above the guarded object.
Physical violence against a drone is only allowed in the territory of Lithuania, if the drone flies in the border zone close to the exterior border, above prohibited or other territories or objects, if flights there are banned by the local municipality, and if the efforts to ground the drone had been exercised and were vain.
Lithuanian border guards will be allowed to use a firearm against a drone in case of immediate danger to health or life of the border guard or other individuals, without posing a threat to another person’s life.
The list of procedures will take effect in January of 2018.
Lithuanian border guard are currently testing technical means for remote neutralization of drones.
This year, VTAS officers recorded 33 unsanctioned drone flights.