The top three receivers of the financial support secured the resources for the production. The short animation After Death, Before Hell (Po mirties, prieš pragarą), directed by Tomas Ramanauskas and produced by “Art shot”, received €54,600. A sum of €51,000 was extended to the feature film Kharms (Charmsas), directed by Ivan Bolotnikov and produced by the “Tremora”.
€49,540 were given for the production of the feature film Habit and Armour (Abitas ir šarvai), directed by Pawel Pitera and produced by “Artbox”.
In all, 52 submissions for funding were received during the second competition of 2015. The Lithuanian Film Centre provides funding for film development, production, distribution, promotion, educational projects, and preservation of film heritage.
Début films are also eligible for support. The new Lithuanian Tax Incentives that went into effect in January 2014 offer foreign producers up to 20% of Lithuanian production budget. More detailed information is available here.
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