In addition to President Dalia Grybauskaitė, the invitation to the forum has also been received by Andželika Rusteikienė, member of the WEF Global Shaper community hub in Vilnius. She is one of only six Europeans and one of 50 young leaders in the Global Shapers community who were invited to represent youth in Davos this year.
World Economic Forum every year invites young professionals and activists to apply for a spot in Davos. Participants are selected based on a multitude of criteria, including personal experience, achievements in professional as well as civic activities. This is the first time ever when a Lithuanian youth leader has been invited to participate in Davos leaders’ forum.
“Participation in Davos world leaders’ forum is not only a great honour, but also an excellent opportunity to discuss the questions so relevant for youth and societies in Lithuania and beyond as well as to represent the views of young people regarding challenges the world is facing. At the same time it is an opportunity to broaden the understanding of global issues and represent Lithuania – a country which is actively participating in key international processes and often is an equal partner for leading world countries,” Ms Rusteikienė.
The Lithuanian youth nominee for the World Economic Forum, Ms Rusteikienė, has many years of experience working on issues of business ethics as well as corporate social responsibility. Andželika is currently working for “Investors’ Forum”, an association representing biggest investors in Lithuania.
She is the head of communications and strategic projects department in the association. Her responsibilities also include leading the initiative “Baltoji banga” – a national labelling initiative promoting business transparency and responsibility.
Ms Rustekienė is also active in the social sphere: together with partners she launched an NGO “Geri norai.LT”. Furthermore, she is currently participating in the launch of first Lithuanian social business accelerator “Socifaction”. She is also a coordinator of “City Alumni” initiative which was launched by the “Global Shapers” Vilnius hub.
In Davos, Switzerland, the annual forum for world political and business leaders focus on key global issues and challenges. This year, forum participants will discuss geopolitical conflicts, economic trends and social exclusion. Particular attention will be given to trust and trust building both in the private and public sectors.
World Economic Forum meetings in Davos have been organised since 1971. Every year, key leaders from around the globe, including business executives, politicians, journalists and social activists, are invited to take part.
“Global Shapers” is a youth network, established by the World Economic Forum. The purpose of the network is to help young people to initiate economic and social projects, promote entrepreneurship and innovation as well as build educated and responsible societies.
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