Lithuanian MEP: Europe shouldn’t change principles that worked so far

Petras Auštrevičius
DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

Mr. Auštrevičius told the radio Žinių Radijas that “28 member states with separate migration policies or anti-terrorist policies cannot ensure the stability of the EU. As long as these instruments are missing and there is no common external border control of the Schengen Area, no effective cooperation among the secret services, the EU in will not be a normally functioning organisation of the 21st century.”

When asked if the terrorist attacks in Paris is a result of liberal policies of multiculturalism, Mr. Auštrevičius said that “there are people now who want to blame everyone, especially by attaching labels. Liberals have never been in governments long enough to entrench their values. <…> I don’t think Europe should reconsider the principles which have worked well so far or replace them with something else.”

Petras Auštrevičius says Europe is stronger than individual or organised terrorists and should not kneel before them.

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