Lithuanian opposition collects signatures to open probe into claims involving MP Skardzius

Eugenijus Gentvilas
Mindaugas Milinis

“We currently have 37 signatures and have stopped collecting more,” Eugenijus Gentvilas, the leader Liberal Movement group that initiated the collection of signatures, told BNS. An initiative to open a parliamentary probe requires at least 36 signatures in Lithuania’s 141-seat parliament.

In his words, among those who signed the Liberal and conservative call for the probe were members of the ruling Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union, i.e., Parliamentary Speaker Viktoras Pranckietis and his First Deputy Rima Baskiene.

Vitalijus Gailius, a member of the Liberal Movement and chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission, confirmed to journalists on Thursday morning that the panel intended to review Skardzius’ legislative initiatives after news portal reported the politician could have acted in the interest of wind energy companies and received personal benefits from the cooperation.

Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis told journalists earlier on Thursday that the media reports required a probe.

“The assumptions are rather serious – an MP working in the Seimas represents interests of one group. If this has to do with adoption or non-adoption of laws, it is not normal. Questions should be answered whether this is the case,” he said.

Andrius Palionis, elder of the Social Democratic Party group, said that the political group had turned to the Anti-Corruption Commission for an assessment of Skardzius-proposed bills, adding that his conduct would be discussed by the party’s Commission for Ethics and Procedures on Saturday.

Skardzius told journalists he was in support of the anti-corruption probe, emphasizing he represented public interests. news portal reported on Wednesday that the family of Skardzius received income from developers of wind energy.

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