According to the daily, not all parliamentarians elected by the nation take plenaries, committee and commission meetings seriously, and poor attendance often undermines important tasks. Such complaints were received from the parliamentary Committees of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs specifically during the spring session.
The autumn session, which is due to open on Wednesday, is expected to pass decisions that would help improve attendance during plenary and committee meetings. One of the proposed sanctions is wage cuts for every missed plenary or committee meeting, Parliamentary Speaker Loreta Graužinienė told the daily.
Currently, financial penalties are only applied to MPs who have missed more than half of all plenary meetings which were known in advance to include a vote on adoption of legal acts. Such parliamentarians have their salary for the respective month deducted by a third.
The Lithuanian parliament has in the past discussed initiatives to penalize MPs for non-attendance, however, the amendments to the parliamentary statute were never adopted.
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