Lithuanian scientific research may qualify for the very Nobel Prize

Neuro-Educational Methods by Marija Mendelė-Leliūgienė

By applying Neuro-Educational Methods, results exceeding expectations can be achieved: children stop urinating at bedtime, psychosomatic aches disappear, women, for whom it was hard to get pregnant due to various psychological reasons, have babies and there are many more of such success stories.

There is a research needed to formally justify the benefits of Neuro Art and Neuro-Educational Methods to human psycho-emotional health, that would result in M. Mendelė-Leliugienė her Neuro-Educational Methods to be recognized as the first of its kind in Europe methods which are useful and necessary for the society and its health. The research is being carried out by the only laboratory in Europe for this type of genetic research in Spain, Madrid called “Life lenght”.

Recently sponsors appreciation event of the unique research – the effect of Neuro-Educational methods on the telomeres length dynamics – took place in „Relais & Chateaux Stikliai Hotel”. During the event certificates of works that Marija Mendelė-Leliūgienė acquired were awarded and other works of the exhibition “Genesis” were presented. It is nice that in nowadays consumer society the real patrons of art and science are present.

Neuro-Educational Method, developed by the art therapist, open up new non-medical possibilities to strengthen emotional health and develop creativity of a person. Trainings involve students in exploring visualization, art therapy, the use of methods of language codes as well as practical exercises are conducted enhancing awareness, creativity, personal characteristics.

“Although I am a professional clothing designer, artist and a painter, it’s still hard for me to “get into” this activity. The trainings for me was a time when I was able to calm down, “trick” my mind, allow expressing emotions, feelings without fear, without grievances that were hidden very deeply. Before the trainings I did not even know that they controlled my decision making at the job, in the creative works and in my personal life. During the lectures of a three-dimensional image of the personality, interaction model, a three-dimensional model of conflicts and the philosophy of relations based on visualization between good and evil I ran through my personal values. Understanding your value system, perception and awareness help to make decisions easier,” student of the first program talked about the trainings.

At the end of the summer in Oslo, Norway. M.Mendelė-Leliugienė founded the Institute of Neuro-Educational Methods “INEM”. Neuro-educator, art therapist Marija Mendelė-Leliūgienė will consult and hold seminars for Lithuanian families living in Norway.

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