Lithuanian-speaking Afghani refugee receives job offer from businessman-MEP

Abdul Basir Yoususi
DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Yoususi worked with Lithuanian troops in Afghanistan when they were heading a reconstruction mission in the Ghor Province. He learned Lithuanian and worked as an interpreter for Lithuanian troops.

Yoususi says he had to flee his country for fear of persecution by Islamist militants. His plea reached Lithuania from a refugee camp in Greece.

The Ministry of National Defence immediately confirmed that Abdul had indeed worked with Lithuanian troops and issued a short-term visa which allowed the Afghani to arrive in Lithuania and ask for asylum.

And now Guoga, who is a liberal member of the European Parliament, has promised to find Yoususi a job at his resort.

“I want to help Basir. I will offer him a job so he can integrate, work and make some money in Lithuania,” Guoga wrote on his Facebook page. “I have informed the Migration Department and the director of the Refugee Centre in Rukla that I will find at least a temporary job at TonyResort for the summer.”

“Obviously, Basir, who was interpreting for Lithuanian troops in Afghanistan, is not in the mood for lying around on a couch,” Guoga added.

Yoususi landed in Vilnius on Wednesday night and was given accommodation at the Refugee Reception Centre in Rukla, central Lithuania.

He has asked for asylum in Lithuania and the Migration Department is currently considering whether to grant the man legal protection or refugee status.

Yoususi says he has a wife and a two-year-old daughter who stayed behind in Afghanistan.

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