Lithuanians are biggest discount grocery shoppers in Europe

DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Lithuanians buy almost half of all essential goods specifically when they are on discount, according to new data from market research company Nielsen.

“As many as four out of five Lithuanian shoppers spontaneously purchase goods seeing that they are discounted. Lithuanians are really exceptional in Europe on searching for discounts,” said the head of Nielsen in the Baltic countries, Ilona Lepp.

In 2015 47% of basic goods that were bought in Lithuanian supermarkets were on discount. Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary are the biggest discount grocery shoppers in Europe.

Among Lithuanian city dwellers as many as 30% of people were actively seeking for discounts while shopping, another 17% will switch the brands they buy if others are discounted, and another 10% are willing to change the supermarkets to get lower prices.

“After the economic crisis in 2008-2010, we thought that the country has reached the peak in terms of discounted sales at 36-38%. But in 2013 sales of discounted goods accounted for over 50% of basic goods bought and in the last two years the figure was still close to 50%.

Lithuanian shoppers spend 28% of their budget on food and beverages, while Latvians spend the EU average 20%, Estonians just 18%.

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