In an interview with LRT Radio, she said, “I will probably have to be a negotiator between employers and workers. A balance must be found, because it seems that a balance between the social security and interests of workers and employers was certainly not found.”
“We really did need to reform the Labour Code. Yes, we have long said in Lithuania that employment relationships must be more flexible,” said Grybauskaitė. She emphasized the importance of balanced and democratic decisions but said that “it seems that they took a bulldozer to their social aprtners and that many of the decisions are only shooting one way, meaning that they’re only good for businesses.”
When planning potential changes to the proposal, which the parliament (Seimas) has approved but which must be approved by Grybauskaitė before it becomes law, Grybauskaitė said she is prepared to meet with business representatives, unions, experts and specialists.
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