Over EUR 20 mln envisaged for foreign research projects in Lithuania

The Lithuanian Research Council has published a call for applications. The Education and Science Ministry said this was done in an effort to attract 50 researchers to Lithuania.

“Lithuania already features a high level of an international research infrastructure, research centers are supplied with a modern research equipment, our researchers are conducted top-level research in cooperation with colleagues from prestigious research institutions abroad. We want to consolidate our research even further and attract Lithuanians back to their home country and prominent foreign researchers to Lithuania to bring new winds and build a strong nucleus of research in the country,” Education and Science Minister Jurgita Petrauskienė said.

The duration of the research projects is up to four years, with the maximum value of one project of up to 1 million euros.

Money will be available for research, wages and business trips of research team members, as well as compensation of resettlement of researchers from abroad.
Lithuania has approved six priority fields of smart specialization, namely, energy and sustainable environment; health technologies and biotechnologies; agricultural innovations and food technologies; new production processes; transport, logistics, information and communication technologies; inclusive and creative society.

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