Politicians consider introducing national security classes at schools

In a summer camp
M. Danausko nuotr.

“Looking to the future, one of the core projects that we organize together with the Education and Science Ministry and the Riflemen’s Union, is a cycle of lectures on national security and defense,” he said during a joint meeting of the parliament’s committees on education and science, on culture and on national security and defense.

The vice-minister added that senior school students would be able to choose to attend such discussions and lectures on national security.

“The plan is to start in the upcoming academic year,” he told reporters later.

Members of the Riflemen’s Union already give lectures at schools, but Education and Science Minister Jurgita Petrauskienė says that the practice has not been regular until now.

The Seimas committees on Wednesday are discussing threats to national security posed by hostile propaganda and ways to counter it.

Concerns about information security in Lithuania heightened after Russia annexed Crimea and began to support separatists in Eastern Ukraine in 2014.

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