Seimas starts discussions on EU personal data protection rules

KTU archyvas

On Tuesday, Lithuanian lawmakers gave their initial backing to the new version of the Law on

Legal Protection of Personal Data and accompanying laws, with 88 votes in favor and one abstention.

The bills will now go to parliamentary committees for further consideration and should come back to the plenary sitting hall in late June.

The bills are aimed at harmonizing Lithuania’s laws with the General Data Protection Regulation coming into force on May 25. Under the new regulations, service providers will have to better inform people on how their personal information is handled.

Introducing the bills, Justice Minister Elvinas Jankevičius noted that the new regulation will be applied directly and won’t need transcribing into national law.

“The EU is implementing a personal data protection reform is taking, aimed at strengthening persons’ right to the protection of their personal data and ensuring equal and high-level of personal data protection across Europe,” he said.

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