Šiauliai is one of the many cities in the country where the so-called layette is given to the family who have given birth to the baby. From July this year, the Šiauliai city layette includes various things, beginning from cloths and towels, to baby care kits, creams and training mats. All products are certified, safe, without unnecessary additives. The layette is valued almost 300 euros, all gifts are wrapped in a solid cardboard box, which can then be turned into a box for the baby’s toys.
Such layette was presented to the family whose baby was born on 2nd of July. Mayor of Šiauliai city Artūras Visockas brought the layette straight to the Mother and Child’s Clinic. Salomėja and Martynas Labunskiai, who welcomed their first-born, were happy that their baby-girl Rugilė not only was born healthy but already received gifts.
“This layette is collected based on the advices received from specialists of family and child care, therefore there is everything a growing baby will need. Accept this layette from all the residents of Šiauliai city, grow and get stronger, and we will meet each other at the beautiful celebration “I am a little Šiauliai city resident”, – said Artūras Visockas, during his congratulation of the family.
“A really nice initiative for young Siauliai city families, we are very excited about this gift. In a layette I found beautiful, useful and, I would even say, fashionable things, I think everything will be useful in raising a baby,” said Mrs. Salomėja Labunskienė.
After hearing about this Šiauliai city initiative, Finnish ambassador sent congratulations to the first family who received a layette. In his letter, Ambassador Christer Michelsson was pleased that more and more countries and cities emerge, where social innovations from Finland – the gift of layette – are being implemented. In Finland, this kind of layette is provided for each family, so the state takes care of it.
Mother and Child Clinic of the Republic Šiauliai hospital has also received a very beautiful gift. The first sculpture of an angel “born” in the special plenary session was handed over to Linas Rovas the Head of the Institution.
During the open workshops of the trees at the initiative of Irena Šliupelienė, the director of Šiauliai Art School, the artists turned the tree trunks grown in the center of Šiauliai before reconstruction works, into wonderful works of art – angel sculptures. The sculpture “Growing life” by folk artist Egidijus Žilinskas was transferred to the Clinic, where children of the families living in Šiauliai region come to this world.