
Lithuanians’ support for euro rose to 60 percent

The society’s support for the euro in Lithuania rose 7 percentage points in December from November to reach 60 percent, according to a survey released by the Bank of Lithuania on Thursday. […]


Opinion: From rouble to euro

The first day of this year is the first day of Lithuania with the euro. It is an unavoidable fact, although probably everyone is already tired of hearing the word euro. I must admit: it is certainly much better that the euro is not in everyone’s lips but in everyone’s pockets. Soon enough the currency change fever will go down and we will be less concerned with the pros and cons of having the euro than with having as many euros as we can. […]

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Lithuanians exchanged LTL 10 million on first day in euro zone

Some 10 million litas (EUR 2.9m) were exchanged for euros at Lithuanian banks on Thursday, the day when the country officially adopted the EU’s single currency, the central bank governor said on Friday morning. […]


Snoras Bank documents transferred from Switzerland to Lithuania

The Financial Crime Investigation Service (FNTT) probe, headed by the Prosecutor General‘s Office, into possible financial crimes committed by the heads and shareholders of bank Snoras has advanced further. […]

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Central bank warns about slower than expected economic growth in Lithuania

Growing consumption and investment encourage consistent growth of Lithuania’s economy; however, a poorer outlook for the country’s major foreign trade partners, as well as gradually slowing development of domestic demand led to more cautious GDP growth projections for next year. The Bank of Lithuania projects a 3.1 percent growth in GDP next year, and this is less by 0.2 percentage points than was projected in September, the Bank of Lithuania informs. […]

Euro notes delivered to Lithuania

Lithuania’s preparations to adopt euro seem well on track – European Commission

Lithuania’s preparations for the adoption of the euro next year seem overall well on track, the European Commission (EC) has said, calling on Lithuania’s authorities to address the remaining concerns related to euro introduction and to increase consumers’ confidence so as to ensure smooth euro changeover. […]