Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Lithuania, Bohumil introduces the speakers  at the EBN HR presentation Photo © Ludo Segers @ The Lithuania Tribune

Lithuania’s shrinking working population and the war for talent

When it comes to the labour market in Lithuania, now the employees are calling the shots, while most employers need to compete to attract and retain talent. In the sellers’ market, employers should not approach hiring like courting – instead of trying to find Mr or Ms Perfect, they should settle with an acceptable candidate and then invest into developing them into a perfect fit for the company, is the advise offered by recruiting specialists from Lithuania’s biggest recruitment and HR agency at their monthly EBN business breakfast. […]

Unveiling Holland straat,  OlandųGatvė in Vilnius    Photo © Ludo Segers

Olandų Gatvė – Holland Straat inaugurated in Vilnius

Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Šimašius together with the Dutch Ambassador Bert Van der Lingen unveiled on Thursday ‘Holland straat’, the Dutch version of ‘Olandu Gatve’, at Vilnius College of Technologies and Design, represented by Director Nijolė Kikutienė. […]

Sinterklaas at the Dutch Ambassador's Residence
Global LT

Sinterklaas visits Lithuanian and Dutch children in Vilnius

The Christmas season is in full swing in Lithuania. Christmas trees showed up last weekend in Klaipėda, Kaunas, Vilnius and other towns. This was the festive weekend for the international community with some of its traditional celebrations. On Saturday, the successful International Charity Christmas Bazaar took place in the old town hall and on Sunday, a real Dutch Sinterklaas (Sint Nic) arrived at the Dutch Ambassador’s Residence in Vilnius. […]