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Economist Vytenis Šimkus: how much might Brexit cost Lithuania?

The mists over the future of UK – EU relations currently still lingers. It appears that Theresa May’s cabinet is starting to completely lose control of the situation. According to political experts, the agreement she has obtained has practically no chance of receiving support in the UK’s House of Commons. The European Court of Justice introduced even more uncertainty on Monday, by declaring that the UK can unilaterally cancel the Brexit process, economist Vytenis Šimkus writes on Currently all the scenarios are plausible, but what could each of them means for the Lithuanian economy? […]

Seimas hall
Foreign affairs

Lithuania’s LFGU MPs want annex on GMO, beef in CETA

The ruling Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union suggest ratifying the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) on a condition that it will include Lithuania’s statement on imports of genetically modified organisms and hormone-treated beef. […]

Mažeikių nafta

A project that may spark disputes between neighbours

A legislative project being discussed in Seimas right now to regulate strategic company operations may have a negative impact on the recently recovering Lithuanian – Polish relations. The neighbours, just as all other investors, unlikely […]


Four Lithuanians ranked among highest earning EU officials

Four Lithuanians have been ranked among the highest earning professionals in the institutions of the European Union. […]

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Lithuanian Railways under EC anti-trust scrutiny over dismantling track to Latvia

If the European Commission decides that Lietuvos Geležinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways, or LG) limited competition in the rail market by removing a railway track to Latvia, Lithuania might consider rebuilding the track or turning to the European Court of Justice, Transport Minister Rimantas Sinkevičius said on Tuesday. […]